Tuesday, 11 May 2010

My Preliminary Task

This is my preliminary task that is filmed with Petros and Edward and we all edited it together with Final Cut Pro. This was all shot with one camera and we used the specified techniques such as: match on action, shot reverse shot and we also stuck to the 180 degree rule while filming.

This is the areial floor plan that i drew for my pliminary task that I scanned into the computer then uploaded it onto my blog.

This is an example of match on action that myself, Petros and Ed filmed together. Match on action is when you have two shots of someone doing the same thing (eg opening a door) and to have them look like they have done it all in one motion you have to match the action that they do so it doesnt look like they suddenly jump through the door way or if they are not even through the door way from when you saw them last.

Franklin storybord

This is my GIF storybord that I created on Adobe imageread.

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